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Monday, February 22, 2010 @ 2:20 AM

Okay peeps!

I know I've not been blogging since mid November. This is the time I gotta start blogging again. AS I'M TOO STRESS AND THERE IS NO WAY I CAN RELEASE THESE STRESS! I'M GOING TO BLOW ANYTIME FROM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! HELP~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cannot concentrate in my room nor house. It sucks. Exams are like 2-3 days away. And nothing is getting into my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I seriously don't wan to waste another 6 months in school lor. Waste time. I gotta motivate myself now.


YOU GOTTA WAKE UP AND FOCUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



FOCUS FOCUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

STRESS ARH!!!!!!!!!!

Today studied 4 hrs of ICON. NOTHING GOES INTO MY HEAD! WASTE MY PRECIOUS TIME! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?! !@#$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Head out to find Jo and had a wonderful dinner. Eat until wan to puke. Too full. Not the food not nice hor!

Then head back home. Tried to study, only a bit go inside. better than nothing. Now is 2.35am in the morning. Going to get some rest then will head to Jo house to study in the afternoon.

Check back soon!
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Thursday, November 19, 2009 @ 4:09 PM

Woke up damn early. Thanks to Justin Tan. He didn't know today e-Learning. No class. Woke me up at 7.30am. Then went back to sleep. Jo went to the prize presentation at Tiong Bahru CC. Poor thing. Woke up damn early, confirm damn tired. Long time nvr wake up so early liao. ):

Today is a totally wet day!

Wah Piang. Had lunch with Justin then head to school. Wanted to take 74 in the first place, end up saw this 151, we rush like siao. End up reach the bus berth, that 151 cheat our feeling. Is a bus going back to HQ lor. Walao. Not fetching any passenger. End up we have to wait at 151 berth for 151 lor.

Reach school. Raining damn heavily. Flooded everywhere! Shoes wet, Socks wet. Everything wet! Even my school canteen got flooded!

Now waiting for time to pass. still got 30more mins.):
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Thursday, November 5, 2009 @ 9:35 AM


Okay. It have been a long long time since i updated my blog. Maybe it's time to do some updating ppl. Hahahaha.

U may ask me, "u not having class now meh?" Yes. I'm having class now. "Then still blog?" Aiya. Boring class lah. Also dunno what the lecturer talking. Cos he got this saliva problem. Everytime got saliva at the side of his mouth. Very very disgusting. Then talk also unclear. Walao. Somemore got pHd lor. Walao.

Anyway, this morning woke up, sky damn dark. Was worried that it might rain. So faster prepare my things and wear my shoes. Then soon aft i wore one of my shoes, it started raining damn heavily. Wah piang. :( So suay.

Reach interchange. Got umbrella also got wet. Shoes got wet. Socks also wet. Inside wet lah. Time to get new converse shoes. :( Haiya.

Later got fyp lesson. Got things to do again. Haiz.

Anyway, i shall stop here. Maybe update later. Now sleeping time. Hahahaha
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Germany Transformer Theme Truck

Friday, October 30, 2009 @ 8:36 AM

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Thursday, October 22, 2009 @ 10:07 PM

Today is the funniest day I ever experienced. See the video to find out!

2 Clowns playing with NTUC trolley. Hahaha.

At first was me, Justin and Kok Loon. Then after that, Hanis join in the fun. Was suppose to be one person on the trolley, rolling down the hill. End up Hanis wan to try something new. End up Justin and Hanis was on the trolley. Later Hanis know that the trolley was out of control, then he just let it "bwang". Was damn funny lah. I shall upload the rest of the video tomoro. Hahahahahaha
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Bubble Gum with some Hilum gas!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 @ 11:27 AM

Bubble Gum with some Hilum gas!


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Busta Feat. Estelle - World Go Round

Sunday, October 11, 2009 @ 12:11 PM

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Long long time ago....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 @ 6:16 PM

Yupp. Long long time ago, on the 13th September, I updated my blog and now I feel like my blog is lifeless. Some updating work has to be done. (:

Well, my whole weekend was burnt. work work work and more work.


Friday went to school. Purpose? Just to take attendance. Then head to Redhill after that to collect a surprise gift. Reach there, then it started to rain. Walao. Like not my day. TSK. But Lucky I got umbrella!!!! Hahahahaha. It seriously started raining damn early. Like 10am plus if I'm not wrong. Then I started requesting a lot of things from the shop. Like stationery lah, wrapping plastics lah etcs. The staff was kind enough to lend me without extra cost. Hahahaha. Very nice people. In the end, after I left, it stop raining lor. Walao. was my time wrapping scared it get wet and stuff.

Then went off to Redhill library to do some things. Head to Redhill hawker to buy some food to eat. Was damn hungry.

Ate my lunch. Then took a bus to Jo's house. Was sitting at the staircase outside her house while waiting. Then this siao aunty staying below her open the door like wan to chase me away like that.Wah Piang. Really siao one. Like sit at staircase got wrong like that. Keep looking and looking. Then her house there was doing some fogging. Some Shua Ku people thought their rubbish chute caught fire. Cos got a lot of smoke. Then called fire brigade. Then people start shouting and stuff lah. A bit chaotic. Then Jo came back. Head to her house for a while. Sit and relax before heading to her ahma house for dinner. Head home.Get changed and head for work at 11pm. Work till 2plus the next morning.


Reach home around 2am plus. Shower. Then head to bed. Woke up around 5 plus. Cos couldn't sleep. Then suddenly my phone rang. Jo called me. I shall say no more about this. Last and only time. No more next time hor baby.

Talk on the phone till 6 plus then went to sleep again. Until 7 plus then woke up again. Cos I need to go to kallang Power Grid to work at 9am. Went to work. Finish work around 7pm plus. Then Head to Melissa's House to fold some kim zhua. Finish around 10plus. Then went home. On the phone for a while. Then went to sleep.


Woke up early. Went over to Jo's house to fetch her and her sister to Melissa's house. Cos early in the morning they got some praying stuff to do. Since I was going to office, then I went to pick them up. Drop them there and head to office to do some work. After work, I planned to go over Melissa's house to play mahjong. But someone don't allow me to go. Then I went around Singapore. Cos I don't wan to go home early. Went to a lot of places. Couldn't remember. Then aft lunch, head home to sleep.

Woke up around 1pm plus. Pick Jo up and head to my office. Cos I wan to show her something.

Jo Look damn small...heehee.

After that went to Melissa's house to play mahjong. Had a lot of fun. Then fetch Jo home. Slack at here. Then someone don't wan me to go home. Hahahaha. Head to office to work at 11pm. Then finish work around 4 plus.


Today wasn't my day. Jo woke me up today. Thanks you baby. (: Then chit chat till 12noon. went to shower and then went to school. Started raining. Then took a bus to school. A non-aircon bus. Went school do nothing. then head back home. took a bus. Non aircon one again. Tsk. Walao.
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Sunday, September 13, 2009 @ 10:14 AM

OMG OMG OMG!!! Unbelievable price of just 499euro!!! I want.... ETA December 2009, Limited edition of 500 pieces wordwide!
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Thursday, September 3, 2009 @ 3:02 PM

Ah Gong. I'll always remember your smile, your laughter, your everything. I Love you and you will always be in my heart.

I Miss You Ah Gong.

I've never regretted going to Grandparents house last Sunday. Though it's very rush, at least I've all the good memories of you, Ah Gong. Your short of breathless voice and cough. It had deeply carved a place in my heart.

030909 marks the day in my heart. 华人七月十五。

I'll remember you for my entire life. ):
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MR Greedy Dinosaur

I'm Marcus Chee Jia Wei.
Born on 20th Feb 1990.
Live in Hougang.
Love my family.
Love my job.
Enjoy hanging out with my dearest random friends.
Always having fun during my free time.
Love R&B music.
Especially Club Megamix.
Trance & Dance are also in the list.

Greedy Dinosaur Wants

Adidas Jacket with GOLD stripes
Crumpler Bag
New Wallets
More Clothes
More Money
More Models
Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!

Greedy Dinosaur Time

Greedy Dinosaur Talk

Greedy Dinosaur Friends

Know The Greedy Dinosaur Past